Accessing DB2 from sMash

I couldn’t find a simple example that explicitly shows how to connect to DB2 from sMash, so I put one together. You can grab the resulting example sMash application using the zero command line like this:

 zero modulegroup addurl
 zero create db2App from soal:db2App

(On a side note, notice how I’m hosting a zero repository containing my app right here on! Continue reading “Accessing DB2 from sMash”

Dutch PHP Conference 2009 Retrospective

DPC ended last weekend, so I’m a little late with my write-up. However, the event was sufficiently memorable to still be fresh in my mind. 🙂

Like the vast majority of attendees, I was massively impressed by the superb selection of talks and the attention to detail inherent in every aspect of the organisation of DPC ’09. Big thanks to the Ibuildings folks for this. One example of the love they poured into the event is the conference introduction video, which was played on a large screen before the opening keynote. It included customized avatars for every speaker, including me… even though I was a very late addition to the speaker list!

Continue reading “Dutch PHP Conference 2009 Retrospective”

WebSphere sMash @ Dutch PHP Conference on 12th June 2009

Jonathan Lawrence and I will be presenting an introduction to WebSphere sMash at the Dutch PHP Conference on Friday. Here’s a quick overview of what we’ll be talking about:

Don’t hesitate to come chat with us between the talks, particularly if you’re curious about running PHP on the Java Virtual Machine or integrating PHP and Java code.

If you like the sound of this, read more about PHP on Java with WebSphere sMash or check out some WebSphere sMash demos on YouTube.

SPL Talk at PHP London

Last night I presented the Standard PHP Library at the PHP London User Group. The aim was to give an overview of the extension and to entice people into coming to TestFest, of which the London and Manchester incarnations will be focussing on SPL.

Thanks to all who attended! Here are the slides for those who couldn’t make it:

WebSphere sMash at SAP Unconference

Today Ant and I did a quick demo of sMash at SAP Inside Track London 2009, an unconference organized by Darren Hague and Nigel James. The idea was to show how sMash could be used to rapidly script up situational web apps (aka “satellite apps”) that integrate with SAP and provide extra, peripheral functionality.

After the talk, Dennis Howlett fired a few questions at me on camera:

What a brilliant day and an great way to learn about SAP & meet SAP mentors!